Recent projects include:
- Fiordland Marine Guardians – The Guardians were created in response to potential escalation of pressures on the Fiordland Marine Area, and a desire for local community involvement in management of the Fiordland marine environment. We have been deeply involved since its formation in 1995.
- Milford Marine Reserve and Doubtful Sounds Marine Reserve – Our directors were instrumental to the establishment of the first two marine reserves in the South Island.
- Pigeon Island Restoration Project – We helped fund the eradication of predators on Pigeon Island in Dusky Sound allowing the release of threatened native birds on the sanctuary.
- Department of Conservation Species Projects – We have supported a number of species translocations across New Zealand, including re-introduction of mohua and South Island robin to Pigeon Island (2006), North Island kokako to Secretary Island (2008/2009), the spotted kiwi to Anchor Island (2015/2017), pāteke from captive rearing sites to Resolution Island (2017) and tieke to Pigeon Island and Five Fingers Peninsula (2018).
- Coastal clean-up – Removing plastic and pollutants that have washed up on the coastline, annually over the last six years.
- New Zealand Rock Lobster Industry – We are closely involved in the sustainable management of Southern Rock Lobster fisheries around New Zealand. Fiordland Lobster Company is represented by directors and managers on area management committees around the country.